Whether you send red roses for romance, yellow roses for friendship, or any other of our beautiful rose arrangements, roses are the perfect expression of love and affection. For centuries, lovers have exchanged roses as the classic symbol of beauty and everlasting love. Whether your love is the subject of a Shakespearean sonnet or embodies the yellow rose of Texas, you'll find a beautiful bouquet of roses that will make her heart sing out with joy.

Throughout history, no bud or blossom expresses love better or more beautifully than the rose. At first, a rose is just a simple red bud. Nothing fancy. Just a plain green stem and a few petals. But with time, the petals fold back to reveal the rose's true form. Roses are perfect for telling that special someone how you feel, and why stop at just one? At Ciaoflora, our huge selection of roses of every shade that will help you express your love.


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12 Classic Roses
Based on 1 reviews.
Express your affection with this classic gesture of lasting love and passion! One dozen of the fines...
12 Classic Roses
 Make a bold and elegant statement with a bouquet of 12 red roses, wrapped in black luxury pape...
24 Premium Roses
Roses are well-known as the flower of love and no flower greater signifies beauty, passion and roman...
A fairy tale of flowers
Send this contemporary but feminine bouquet to your princess or anyone you especially adore. A beaut...
A summer kiss
This vintage bouquet of beautiful bright zesty roses with delightful scented lilac aster makes an ey...
Absolutely I love you
This beautiful luxury bouquet of appr 66 long stemmed red roses, hand tied by a highly skilled ...
This luxury classic bouquet showcases the big light yellow roses beautifully. The roses and foliage ...
All For Love
There is no better way to convey the emotions of the heart than to send a bouquet of beautiful roses...
Always On My Mind
When it comes to letting her know she’s always on your mind, think pink and lavender theme. We’v...
Subtlety in design, this irresistible gift is a perfect combination between green of cymbidium orchi...
Basket of Cheer
The Basket of Cheer bursts with the beauty of floral brilliance. This sunlit arrangement with a hear...
Basket of Nature
Love this theme <3 Green of nature refreshes and brings wide smiles to your one, for any ...
Basket of Passion
Send a stunning bunch of roses from Ciaoflora, which are stylish and romantic gifts to melt your lov...
Basket of red roses
A sensational basket of 24 red roses will always make a lasting impression! Interspersed with baby, ...
Be mine
Based on 1 reviews.
What better way to express your thoughts, than to send long stem roses in a bouquet with baby's brea...